Monday, November 28, 2016

Reaction paper #1

Today we had John Messinger come to my Photo Seminar class and it was pretty interesting. He was into photo journalism which is the photo field I believe I would like to be in. His artwork was pretty and extremely unique and I'm almost 300% sure I've seen his work somewhere. I thought it was funny that he was almost stalkerish to the fuijii company but I thought it was cool that he ended up landing the partnership with being that persistent. I personally would have probably given up. He seemed to truly care about his art work and normally you don't see too many photographers that actually care about the work they put out. He was very passionate about polaroid film photography as well and was given the last couple thousand rolls of the polaroid film which I found to be pretty cool considering he will be one of the last people to use that type of discontinued film.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Assignment for Digital 1, I really loved how these two pictures came out. The quality and sharpness of each picture came out nice. The first picture, the deep, sparkling blue reminded me of someone I know's eyes. The second picture I thought was really nice as well.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Photo Assignment #7 for Digital 1, probably my favorite photographs I took for this project. I feel that the palm texture is pretty abstract-y and I feel that the palm lines show off the uniqueness of people.